Monday, November 17, 2008

Taking a break. A very long break (hopefully not).

Yes. I'm taking a hiatus from updating my blog. Life has been too mundane lately with only a couple of gems like getting wasted in Simone and Andrew's upcoming wedding adding some zest.

Yes. I admit. I've lost my inspiration in updating this blog. Food reviews can only go so far, while travel plans...what travel plans? I'm definitely not a travel blogger. Oh, I would love to drop everything and travel everywhere but I don't have the cash. Bah!

I admire those bloggers who can update their blogs almost daily with new and interesting stuff. Sad to say, I'm not one of them. My life can now be summarised into eat, work, gym, sleep. No life changing events. No gf (because girls insist on being so f**king choosy). Not enough money.

I thought of just not updating but decided to at least post something akin to closure.

Posting will resume once I've gotten back in the mood or have received sufficient inspiration.

That is all. Good day. *I have left the building*


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