Friday, March 18, 2005

Screamyx or Streamyx? Let the people of Malaysia decide!

So actually I had prepared this huge ass rant about Streamyx to post here but suddenly Streamyx has magically gotten better since 2 p.m! Woohoo?

When Streamyx chooses to act up, it seriously does. Imagine I couldn't even stream a MONO (that's low bandwidth for ya) channel off Winamp's Shoutcast! So I did the most logical thing to do at that time, I went onto Low Yat forums and posted some rants. Nothing too whiney because the mods at Low Yat do their jobs well (NO SPAMMING RETARDS). After struggling with trying to post more on Low Yat forums (I managed two posts) I gave up and instead stared at the ceiling, hoping to divine some winning lottery numbers.

Then my supplier calls up and he informs me that TMNET (the Creator Gods of Streamyx) have been experiencing problems with their broadband infrastructure since last week and this has affected the entire Malaysian peninsular. I was like...d00d, where's my broadband? After contemplating on the sheer idiocy of it all, I went back to staring at the ceiling.

Suddenly, POOF, magic pixie dust on Streamyx's servers and then SHAZAM, connection was back to it's silky smooth self. Looks like I'll be saving my huge ass rant for the next Streamyx nationwide failure then.


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